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United States Champion Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring for another edition of the stolen Highlight Reel. He brings out Shinsuke Nakamura, who gets a great reaction as the crowd sings along with his theme song. Owens says Nakamura is “shrouded in mystery” and the fans want to know who he is, and what he’s capable of. He calls him a rockstar, and tells the story of what happened to the last rockstar, Chris Jericho, who tried to get in his way.

Before things can go further, Baron Corbin cuts them off and says nobody cares what they have to say. Since this is the Highlight Reel, he shows some highlights of his post-match assault on Sami Zayn last week. KO says that’s nothing to brag about, because he’s been beating up Sami Zayn for the last 15 years. Corbin calls him Eric Cartman again, and claims he will be Mr. Money in the Bank by this time next month. Nakamura reminds Owens that he beat him last week on Smackdown, and reminds Corbin of all the times he lost to Sami. The heels go after him and beat down Shinsuke in the ring until Zayn eventually makes the save. They clear the ring, and Sami issues a challenge for a tag team match right now.

Sami Zayn & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Kevin Owens & Baron Corbin

Nakamura starts things off, getting in the head of the Lone Wolf and chopping him down to size with kicks and knee strikes. He does the Good Vibrations in the corner and tags in Sami, but Baron doesn’t want anything to do with him and tags in the U.S. Champion. The two old rivals start throwing hands and Sami connects with a headscissors takedown, but gets caught coming back into the ring and now Corbin comes in to pick the pieces. The underdog mounted a comeback with some right hands in the corner, but fell to the numbers game as the heels alternated in with quick tags. Corbin countered a Tornado DDT into a big powerslam as they cut to commercial.

Back from the break and Sami and is desperately trying to create some space to make the hot tag. Corbin sees it coming and knocks Nakamura off the apron, then plants Zayn with another big slam. He talks a little too much trash and comes off the ropes into a lariat from Zayn, who finally makes the tag to his partner. Nakamura takes down the big man and throws a flurry of knees as Owens, hitting a signature running kick to the champion in the corner. KO accidentally collides with Corbin and the Lone Wolf doesn’t take kindly to it, getting into a slugfest with his own partner. Zayn dumps him over the ropes and Nakamura hits the Kinshasa knee strike to Owens to pick up the win.

Winners: Shinsuke Nakamura & Sami Zayn

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 Posted by: admin
 Date: May 31st 2017
 Categories: Results, Smackdown Live
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