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Tag Team Match: Randy Orton & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn – Shane McMahon & Daniel Bryan will be the special guest referee. If Owens & Zayn lose, they are fired from WWE

Zayn and Orton start things off. Orton with a shoulder block as Bryan and McMahon both count the fall. The announcers were building up confusion. Orton with a series of uppercuts then worked over the left arm of Zayn. Nakamura was tagged in and continued to work the arm. Zayn backed Nakamura into the corner and tagged in Owens, who landed a series of right hands. Nakamura tripped him and landed a knee drop for 2. Orton now tagged in and landed some right hands in the corner. Bryan and McMahon continued to double count while Zayn kept saying that this is a joke, which is by the design of WWE creative. Owens hit a powerslam to Orton for 2. Owens then put the boots to him and tagged in Zayn. Owens and Zayn beat down Orton for a few minutes. The crowd was quiet as they didn’t know how to react to this match, which was clearly being built slow. Orton attempted a comeback with strikes but was cut down by Owens. Nakamura finally got the hot tag and hit a series of kicks to Owens. Nakamura grounded him with some knee strikes then knocked Zayn off the apron. Nakamura with a running knee strike then some more in the corner. Nakamura put Owens on the top rope and landed a knee strike to the gut for 2. Nakamura caught Owens with a head kick for 2. Nakamura went for another pin fall and there was some confusion as to who would make the count. Owens with a kick to Nakamura then tagged in Zayn who knocked Orton off the apron. Zayn ran into a big boot by Nakamura but Zayn recovered and hit the Blue Thunder Bomb for 2. Owens was tagged in and hit a back splash to Nakamura but Orton broke it up. Zayn took out Orton and it was chaos. Owens went for another back splash but Nakamura put his knees up. Orton with a series of clotheslines but missed a powerslam after getting the hot tag. Zayn used the top rope to this advantage on Orton then went up high but Orton knocked him down. Orton hit a superplex to Zayn. Owens pulled Orton out of the ring and tossed him into the steel steps. Nakamura sent Owens into the barricade and landed a series of kicks. Zayn attacked Nakamura from behind and Owens helped him beat down Nakamura. Owens and Zayn got the announce table ready for a spot. Owens hit a frog splash from one announce table to the other sending Nakamura crashing through one. Orton tossed Zayn into the ring and hit the second rope DDT. Orton hit the RKO to Zayn but Owens made the save to break up the count by shoving Bryan into McMahon. Shane flipped out on Bryan and Orton got in Bryan’s face. Orton hit an RKO to Owens. Zayn rolled up Orton then they traded pin attempts. Zayn rolled up Orton but Shane stopped the count at 2. Bryan shoved Shane a few times. They started to argue. Orton went for an RKO but Zayn blocked it and rolled him up as Bryan counted the very quick pin fall.

Winner: Zayn & Owens.

 Posted by: admin
 Date: December 18th 2017
 Categories: PPV, Results
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